Monday, October 27, 2014

Simple, But Elegant? Not so much!

On our last post I said we'd be making the simple but elegant leaf bowl at our Snacks & Crafts session in October.  Well!  One should never demonstrate something without trying it first.  What a mess it made-I blew up the balloon, covered it with mod-podge, which proceeded to drip all over me, started sticking leaves on it and they slid all over. I couldn't get them to stick down or stick to each other. All I thought was, "I can't ask my seniors to do this!" so at 9:30 Sunday night I dug out my washi tape and some old tin cans and brought them in for the class. 6 of us covered tins with colored and patterned tape.

Cookies and tea were served, and we all had a great time making our pencil cups.

Art is in the eye of the beholder!

Come and join us on November 17th, when we will be making beeswax candles and/or holiday cards!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Snacks & Crafts at the Senior Center

We have a new program at the Senior Center! Snacks & Crafts one Monday a month. October 20th class will feature leaf bowls. Come and learn how to make this simple but elegant bowl to display fall treats in or to give away as a gift. On November 20th, we will be making our own unique and original Holiday cards. Come and join us for this FREE class. Bring your ideas for future classes. 12:30 at the meal site.

This month, our Bread and Soup program was very popular. We served Broccoli Cheddar soup with bread from Bread Euphoria and Cake for dessert. Look in November's Newsletter (coming out by 11/1) for the soup of the month-rumor has it that it may be Butternut Squash Bisque!  

Come on down to the Williamsburg Senior Center, Where it is all happening!