Thursday, July 17, 2014

Hot Summer Daze!

Hello Folks,
We sure have had some hot days this past few weeks--Luckily, we have Air Conditioning here at the Senior Center! If you receive our newsletter, you know what is going on here. If you don't, you should sign up for our monthly newsletter (free) so you won't miss out on our programs and events. Call us any time for information, schedules, reservations, etc. at 268-8407.

On Mondays, we serve a lovely Bread & Salad meal for $2.00.
Congregate meals are served Tuesdays-Thursdays. Free, donations accepted.
We have free breakfasts that you can take home any time, along with a food pantry, also free!
Sign up for Brown Bag Program and get a free bag of groceries every month.

Tai Chi and Yoga classes meet on Thursdays.
A Quiet Meditation group meets at the Haydenville Library (time to be determined).
A podiatrist is available for appointments every other month.
And there is a Veterans' Services Officer who has hours (11:30-1:00 on Mondays and 6-8 PM on 3rd Tuesdays.

CALL US, There is so much more!

We are seeking people interested in taking craft classes--What would you like to do? We want to know, so we can offer it to you!

Come on down to the Senior Center, where it is all happening!