
Williamsburg Council on Aging

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Ongoing Classes and Events  

Mondays:         VETERANS’ AGENT: Joe Russo, 11:30-2:30 PM
Tuesdays:        CONGREGATE MEAL: 11:30 AM
                            OSTEO EXERCISE CLASS at Williamsburg Cong. Church,
                                    9:30-10:30 AM
Wednesdays:  CONGREGATE MEAL:  11:30 AM
Thursdays:      TAI CHI: Marty Phinney, 9:30-10:30 AM
                             CONGREGATE MEAL: 11:30 AM
                             CARDS, CRAFTS & GAMES HOUR: 12:30-1:30 PM       
                             YOGA: Jessica Berger, 1-2 PM

Congregate Meals, Tues., Wed., Thurs. 11:30 am
The Senior Center presents congregate meals prepared and donated by Highland Valley Elder Services. Neighbors and friends get together to eat a hot, healthy meal up to three times a week. Meals are free of charge, but a small donation would be gratefully accepted. We ask you to call us 2 days before you plan to come, (or if you need to cancel) so we can have a hot meal ready for you.

Bread & Soup, Third Mondays at 11:45
Fresh-made soup, bread from Bread Euphoria and fresh baked dessert $1.00. (take home for $2.00

Take Home Meals, Wednesdays
This Fall we were able to contract with Smith Vocational High School for take-home meals. This is a great option for people who want to eat a good, nutritious meal at home. Meals are delivered to the Senior Center on Wednesday mornings. Meals are priced at $5.50 each, but your circumstances may allow you to pay less on a sliding scale. Call Fran to register for this great program.

Brown Bag Program – Free Thursday, March 14th
The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts sponsors the Brown Bag Program, in which eligible seniors can get a supplemental bag of groceries once a month. The distribution is the second Thursday of the month, beginning at 10 am. Call the Senior Center to apply for this program.

Blood Pressure Clinic, Second Thursdays, (coincides with Brown Bag) 11:30
Mary Kane, RN, of the Hilltown Community Health Center is available on Thursdays for blood pressure checks.

Crafts & Games Hour, Thursdays 12:30-1:30 pm
Fran will be hosting a crafts & games hour if anyone is interested. Join us for a social hour-bring your knitting, try a new craft, or just come and play cards, dominoes, bingo, or puzzles. Drop in!
Veterans’ Service Officer, Mondays, 11:30-2:30
Joe Russo can answer your questions about Veteran’s benefits and other issues. Drop in.

T’ai Chi Exercise Class, Thursdays 9:30 - 10:30
Marty Pninney has been teaching T’ai Chi for many years at the Senior Center. Class meets Thursdays 9:30-10:30, and is $10 per class. Call the Senior Center to register.

Intergenerational Yoga Classes, Thursdays 1-2 pm
Ever-popular yoga classes are ongoing at the Senior Center. Led by Jessica Berger, RN, this easy class is great for seniors who want to improve agility and mobility. Many exercises are performed on a chair or using the chair for support. Classes are $40—$50 per month or $10 per class. Drop-ins are $14. Classes meet Thursday afternoons, 1-2 pm, in the auditorium. All ages are welcome. Contact Jessica at 527-1869 to register for the class.

Osteo Exercise Class, Thursdays, 9:30-10:30 am
Join Joan Hicks at the Williamsburg Congregational Church for easy exercises you can do for osteo-arthritis. Anyone who has difficulty with movement or balance is welcome to join this free class. Many of the exercises are done sitting on a chair, others use the chair for support, and still others use balls for motor skills and strength. Drop in.

Podiatry, Wednesday, January 8
Dr Michael Coby will be available for podiatric appointments every other month. His clinic is at the Brassworks building, 2nd floor. Call the senior center for an appointment. The next clinic will be July 10th.  

Foot Clinic – $25.00
Kip Moeller, RN is available for routine foot care appointments every other month in Goshen. Please call Liz Loven at 268-7122 for an appointment. The next clinics will be February 27th and March 27th.

Senior Companion Program
If you don’t get out much and would like a companion to visit you for company, rides, shopping, etc., this might be the program for you. Or, if you would like to BE a companion for a senior in Williamsburg/Haydenville, please call us! Being a Senior Companion can be very rewarding (for you both). Call the Senior Center to join.  

One on One Rides
The Senior Center can arrange rides for medical appointments. If you need a ride, call us and we will have a volunteer take you to your appointment. Note, we are always in need of more drivers for this necessary service. Drivers use their own cars and are paid $15 per trip, more on longer trips. Please call the Senior Center if you want to be a volunteer driver. 

Williamsburg Council on Aging thanks all who have made donations. Grant monies have been harder and harder to get, and this year we received only 1/3 of the funding we asked for. We depend on your donations to help close the gap, paying for staffing, programming and materials for your use at the Senior Center. Please consider a contribution to the COA any time of the year!

Thanks to the many people who have donated medical equipment to our supply. Note: Anyone who needs a loan of medical equipment (wheel chairs, walkers, toilet aids, shower stools, etc.) can call the Senior Center and see if we have what you need. 268-8407.

Wish List:
· Working portable sewing machines
· Scissors, paints & brushes, etc. for craft groups
· Instructors to teach sewing, quilting, etc.


Elder Abuse Hotline -  800 922-2275
(Elder abuse refers to any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a caregiver or any other person that causes harm or a serious risk of harm to a vulnerable adult age 60 or over.)
Highland Valley Elder Services - Intake referral for homecare, etc. - 413 586-2000
First Call for Help         Information and Referral Resources - 800 339-7779
Fuel Assistance            Application and Recertification - 800 370-0940
Food Bank of Western Massachusetts Brown Bag Program - 800 247-9632
Williamsburg Council on Aging - 413 268-8407
Food Stamps - Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - 413 552-5400
                                    For assistance Call Fran @ Williamsburg COA - 413 268-8407
H E N – Hilltown Elder Network (sponsored by Hilltown CDC) - 413 296-4536
                                    Help inside the home & errands 
HOPE Nurse                 Mary Kane, RN, Hilltown Community Health Center -  413 238-5511, ext. 131
In-home Foot Care       Kip Moeller, RN - 413 624-5190
Meal site                      Williamsburg Senior Center - 413 268-8407
Meals on Wheels         Highland Valley Elder Services (HVES) -  413 586-2000 or 800 322-0551
Medical Rides              Williamsburg COA (to schedule) - 413 268-8407
Podiatrist                     Williamsburg COA (to schedule) - 413 268-8407
Salvation Army Emergency Food, Fuel or Medication Vouchers - 413 586-5336/6564
            Medicare & Drug Coverage Part D & Prescription Advantage
                                    Lucille Temple - 413 586-1906
            Mass Health and New Health Coverage/Worthington Health Center      
                                    John Bergeron - 413 238-5511
Veteran’s Service Officer  Joe Russo - 877 821-0128
Northampton Survival Center - 413 586-6564
Hilltown Food Pantry - Goshen Town Hall* - Diane Meehan, Director - 413 268-7578
Each Wednesday, 1-3 PM;  3RD Wednesday, 1-6 PM  *NOTE: Clients of the pantry may pick up free boxes of groceries monthly, as available. 


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