The Annual Picnic at Nash Hill Place was a success! On the dark and rainy afternoon of June 13th, Larry West barbequed hamburgers and hot dogs, provided by TRIAD,on the porch. The senior Center staff made potato, macaroni and fruit salads. Cole slaw and desserts rounded out a great dinner. 40 people enjoyed that great meal and music by Group DeVille—a big THANK YOU to Fred Goodhue, Nick Dines & Rick Murname, who graciously donated their time and their beautiful music. Lots of conversation and a good time was had by all who attended!
One more presentation in June is the CDH talk on Palliative Care on June 26 at 12:15 pm. Palliative Care can help patients and their families cope with serious illness through a team approach to their physical, emotional, social and spiritual goals. The presentation also includes discussion about advance care planning considerations. Come join in the conversation and learn how you or your family members can benefit from this valuable service.
AND! The senior center is looking for some people who like to garden. The gardens on the other side of our parking lot are in need of people to weed, plant, water and harvest! We hope that in addition to flowers, we could plant vegetables that people could come and pick at will. We can purchase plants to put in. Contact Sherry or Marie at 296-8032, email or comment below.
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Hope to see you all soon at the Senior Center!